Sunday, September 23, 2012

Not Me Yet

Can't believe I haven't mentioned this yet...



Remember being in trouble? Remember when that was a major life concern?

Don't get in trouble!

He's in big trouble.

I accidentally shaved the class hamster. I'm gonna get in so much trouble!


My roommate's parents just walked in and I'm wearing only running shorts with my laptop covering those! They think I'm naked on the computer! I'm in trouble!

Let's hope they don't see the puke stain I'm sitting next to!

I kinda miss that feeling. Not really though. Now I'm an adult so I never get in trouble when I fail to manage my life properly! Haha! I can wake up at 3 in the afternoon and eat the sugar remains from a bag of Frosted Mini-Wheats and nobody can tell me I'm wrong!

But you can't really escape being in trouble. That fear and dread instilled from all the times you got in trouble, from your phases of kicking things and seeing what happens. From the times you thought drawing poop was  the funniest thing imaginable (and it still kind of is) until you got caught by your second grade teacher. It holes up inside of you. And it grows with you. It needs to feed but when you stop doing all that stupid stuff you'd get in trouble for as a little kid, I think it just starts making up things to be mad at you for.

"Oh, you haven't bullied anyone in a while? Yeah, well, you still waste all your time doing nothing! Have you even brushed your teeth today? You don't send anyone thank-you cards for anything anymore do you?"

And so maybe disciplining a child comes down to giving them just the right amount of neurotic self-loathing. Not too little that you end up on a reality TV show, but not so much that you are paralyzed and do nothing but watch old episodes of Little House on the Prairie.

or...or...maybe you're just supposed to learn to love yourself so that you can love others...

no-no-no. That makes no sense at all.

Precision self-loathing. That's the way to go.


It's probably the 'love' thing but who would want to read, much less write, about how great it is to love something? We all know it's great. Unless you have the audacity to think you've loved something better than I have. That there's an update to the Love software that I have neglected to install. Highly unlikely! You don't need to complicate it with your stupid words. That's not what language is for, for me. If we all just walked around feeling happy we'd have no need to communicate. Words exist because you take your life and the world around you and say, "This is terrible!" and then you use words to build that damaged, busted, blasted hull of ship you call a life and try to make that baby float! We're gonna ride this dilapidated bathtub of a ship all the way to Coconut Island! But if you were already at Coconut Island you'd be like, "Forget words  all I needs to do is roll over and find ANOTHER tropical beverage in a coconut with a straw."

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