Tuesday, September 18, 2012


I've been writing a lot in notebooks so there hasn't been much room for blogging.

I think I'll just try to pull out one fragment of today. Something to distinguish it from all the others. 

I ran 9 miles in the rain in 55 minutes.

I got Free Spirit repaired and outfitted with a non-punctured front tire and working back brakes. 

I started listening to This Devil's Workday and Satin in a Coffin by Modest Mouse again. I got really into this two songs last semester.

I woke up after not getting quite enough sleep and really didn't want to run but then I did and felt good. 

I had Creative Writing today where I started another potential story.

Also I gave my 15 page story I wrote last week to my professor. 

My apartment has kind of a weird smell to it so I've been trying to open the windows as much as possible but it keeps raining.

It's kind of a tattery day. 

I imagined my fear of the future has a man with a pie for a head and normal eyes, nose, and mouth in that pie. I think I defeated the pie man somehow. Oh yeah, with the power of crazy. You can't scare crazy.

You can't let these grey rainy days get you down, readers at home! You gotta carry that sunshine inside of you! I'm not gonna allow people in my life to tell me that they're not gonna live their life to the fullest because of some clouds and some rain. In the darkness you can shine even brighter! Bite into your life-steak with no hands and let the juices run down your chin. That's what I'm saying. You gotta imagine life as a radish. Now, radishes aren't just the juiciest root but you gotta squeeze at it everyday. You gotta get that radish juice and put it in your pitcher for the future. Some people don't want to squeeze their radish on rainy days. I say, you gotta squeeze that radish, rain or shine. The little things matter. The best, most complex things in life are made out of little, inconsequential actions like squeezing radishes. Maybe you'd fight off a horde of termites trying to eat you in your sleep if it was raining but that's a big thing. That's not gonna happen every day. It's the simple daily things that matter. If you tried to send a platoon of babies to poach elephants, they'd fail miserably. But not if you train them. Not if you drill them with simple, elephant poaching exercises every day. Use bright, careful shapes. Speak in a higher, simple register with lots of positive reinforcement. Leave plenty of time for naps and they're gonna take to it like a white-trash dolphin takes to jumping through flaming hoops for fish chow. They're going to grow and get stronger. Make an investment in your future, train babies to seek out ivory!

1 comment:

Cassiar Memekio said...

I love rain, rainy days are my favorite.

"If you tried to send a platoon of babies to poach elephants, they'd fail miserably. But not if you train them." Hahaha this is an amazing line, it's so absurd. It reads like you completely lost track of your point but continue to talk like you're still making the point. It ends up in a well-orchestrated middle but that part is just genius.