Tuesday, September 10, 2024

weighing in on the eiffel tower controversy

a lot* of people have been asking me to give my two cents on the olympic rings Eiffel tower controversy and I've decided to break my silence and speak my truth.

if you don't know, for the Paris games, the iconic olympic rings were placed on the tower with the understanding that they would be taken down by the end of the year. But now, the mayor of paris whose name I don't know says she wants them to stay up until 2028. The family of the designer of the tower has cried foul play. Or, in french, 'le jeu irrégulier!!"'

An age old argument about who gets to decide how the big metal thing will be dressed up. Well if there's anything I've learned in all my many years of working with children it's that if anyone starts arguing over anything and it's a big headache then just take the thing away. No more Eiffel tower. Nothing is worth fighting about and disturbing my ever-so-fragile peace. 

I move that the Eiffel tower be thrown in the bottom of the ocean with a whale carcass and we set up a webcam to look at the various kinds of life that form around the whale and the symbol of *searching for symbol of Eiffel tower*

french industrial prowess

But yeah just take the rings down. It's like leaving the Christmas tree up in February. If you're going to leave anything up, leave up Halloween decorations. And just put Santa hats on the skeletons.

Do the equivalent of putting santa hats on skeletons on the olympic rings on the Eiffel tower.

Put reindeer skeletons on the olympic rings on the Eiffel tower in the bottom of the ocean next to a whale carcass and call that a new holiday called Mebtobericus.

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