Friday, September 13, 2024

master meep

 master meep

floopy booboo!

corpulent donker

here's what I'll say!

colonoscopy exams. there's cooler procedures we could be doing than that

1- wrap people up in toilet paper like mummies. when you're 40 you should get that.

2- swim in a pool full of jello. when you're 60 you should do that.

3- we find a person with your same name and you talk on the phone with them when you're 20.

4- count to 1,000. when you're 11 years old we make you go in a room and count all the way to 1,000.

5- just throw a brick though the office building of some big multinational corporation that wants to watch the world burn and is actively working towards it. this should be doled out like jury duty. you get a letter in the mail and you gotta go find a brick and chuck it.

6- reverse colonoscopy. A reverse colonoscopy is where we invent an edible camera and you eat it and then just watch what happens on a screen until your stomach acid dissolves the camera. you can do that on a birthday of your choosing

7- Stridulation. I was thinking about cricket legs and how they make noise and that is called stridulation and then I found out there's a MAMMAL that also makes noise this way and whatever you think this mammal looks like--that's not what it looks like. 

ladies and gentlemen! the lowland streaked tenrec!!

a right proper lad if I've ever seen one!

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