Tuesday, September 17, 2024

smelly peanut!

 smelly peanut!

I think it's the time of year where the weather is changing a bit and I've been at Rocky Top a lot around kids who are back in school and I've caught and extremely low-grade cold. The two things I've noticed since Saturday is that sleep has been a little off and when I've gone to workout I've been missing that last 10 to fifteen percent. I had a stretch in the week before where almost every time I went to the track or the gym I was hitting a new PR and since Sunday I've taken a step back in performance. At first I thought it was because I climbed on Friday and that introduced a new stress but there's no way I'm not recovered from that.

I also had that thing where I woke up at 5 this morning and felt a little something in my throat and head that was like, 'oh you're a little bit sick.' But then I slept another 5 hours and felt fine. If I wasn't working out at all and noticing those tiny dips I wouldn't think I was sick.

Anyway, if I am little sick I'm thankful that it's as mild as it is and I'm glad I'm not just inexplicably getting weaker. This happens every time I get sick--I think for no reason my body is decaying and withering away into oblivion.

In other news- I'm propagating my spider plants. I've got 4 I'm going to take to Rocky Top this evening and I'm going to prepare some others after I finish writing this.

Okay. I've finished writing this.

Knock Knock

Who is there?

Schrodinger's Cat

Schrodinger's Cat who

How does the quantum description of reality, which includes elements such as the superposition of states and wavefunction collapse or quantum decoherence, give rise to the reality we perceive? Another way of stating this question regards the measurement problem: What constitutes a "measurement" that apparently causes the wave function to collapse into a definite state?

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