Thursday, September 5, 2024

at the end of the day

 "at the end of the day" that's a commonly used phrase. It's supposed to highlight what really matters. You have some experience and you think a lot of things and feel a lot of things but at the end of the day you're only supposed to think about one thing and feel one thing. 

That's terrible logic. Really bad.

Usually at the end of the day I have the worst attitude and am more likely to think negatively about something than any other part of the day. No, what it should be is, "at the start of the next day".

That's when you have clarity. When you've processed things into dreams and weird little plays of the mind. That's the time to reflect. At the start of the next day. 

"Well you know at the end of the day all you can really do is despair and think about how you're a deeply flawed human being. But at the start of the next day you remember that what really matters is friendship and the laughs we had along the way. So, there you go."

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