Monday, March 25, 2024

Taking Two Weeks Off From Running

 It's been I-don't-know-how-many years since I've taken two weeks off from running but I could definitely use a break and next week I'll be in Florida where it will be easier to just not run anyway. 

Starting in the Spring and continuing indefinitely I will be on the Billy Madison/Ricky Bobby campaign. 

In Billy Madison, Adam Sandler is an incompetent man-baby who has to redo his entire K-12 education in one year. In Ricky Bobby, Will Ferrell plays a competent man-baby who yells, 'I want to go fast!'

In April I'm going to act like I'm starting running all over again. Working from short to long. I'll start by working on the 100 meters and then when I feel like I've plateaued I'll go to the 200. Then the 400. Up and up. 

I've always been more of a true distance runner than an athlete who runs long distance. Something climbing has taught me is that I can make progress in my athleticism. I'm definitely not the most talented but once I got over the fact that I wasn't as good at jumping and lifting then it started to be fun. 

So that's the plan. Woo!

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