Sunday, March 3, 2024

just under 3 weeks out from the 10 miler

I had a bit of a rough week with my calves being sore and rainy windy conditions on Wednesday. I did a big climbing and lifting session Friday night and then couldn't recover as much as I would've liked yesterday because of coaching. All that to say that my 4x2mile workout was not ideal. Ran 1 rep in 11:01 and then hit 'low battery' mode. I was pretty bummed because I really wanted this one to go well but in hindsight I can understand why I felt the way I did. 

In this block, I've done 7 miles close to race pace. I've done 2x4 miles. I've done 3x3200. All those workouts basically accomplish the same thing as the one I wanted to do today. The fitness is there. As much as I would have liked to prove it to myself one more time, it doesn't negate what I've already done. 

For the next two weeks I'm going to focus on running 4 smaller workouts per week instead of 2 big sessions. The overall volume will be about the same and it should leave me feeling less exhausted. This is something I'd like to do more after the 10 miler anyway so it should be a fun experiment. 

I've learned to not necessarily trust feeling tired or low motivation before a big workout and today I gave it an honest effort and it still wasn't having it so a change will be good. 

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