Wednesday, March 27, 2024

every border implies the violence of its maintenance

 I saw this on instagram in a joking context and thought 'what a good quote!' then I looked it up and its on t-shirts and stuff. It's still a really good quote. 

And then seeing it on the t-shirt reminded me of a conversation I had a long time ago where a friend said, 'the best way to stop a revolution is to commodify it.' 

And now I'm sitting here thinking that if its so easy to turn any revolution into a commodity then that must say something about how we participate in society and what 'revolution' means. 

If I was in charge of me and wanted to keep me out of the way I guess I would give myself a sense of complacency and security to make it easy to ignore any sort of injustices or atrocities and then if I tried to leave that place of security there could be the threat of violence for acting out of order AND also the threat of something becoming popular to the point that it loses its original intention and just becomes a thing that's popular because it's popular. Right?

And so in the sphere of influence that you do have, I think the most powerful thing you can control is the way you treat people. The people who have lifted me up and helped me the most are the people who have had the biggest impact on my life.

I don't really know if all that adds up.

A conversation I had today with someone was about how everyone's sinuses are wildly different. This is unrelated I just wanted to check to see if I remembered it right and I did! The tubes and canals in our face are wildly different!

The anatomy of the nasal cavities and paranasal sinuses is one of the most varied in the human body.

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