Wednesday, March 6, 2024

a thoughtarooni out of the ol noggin caboggin

 Oh man I thought I had a hot and fresh thought-a-rooni out of the ol noggin-caboggin 

oh here's one

A thousand sorrys worth less than-no

One sorry is worth--no wait

If you had to say sorry then--

If you had to say sorry a thousand times then you shouldn't have--

Ask for someone to say sorry before you beg for forgiveness


Ask for forgiveness then say sorry then ask for permission then do it anyway and say sorry


Twenty sorrys in a bush is worth two birds with one stone

If you had to say sorry then you could have just said goodbye--no

Sorrys are like goodbyes you can only say them a thousand times


Don't feel sorry for yourself, say sorry to yourself

Sorry self

Sorry people sorry people


If it was easy to say sorry people would do it all the time and it is so they do


The hardest things to say in the English language are I'm sorry, I forgive you, and I'm not sorry and I don't forgive you


Is it still too late to say sorry? I need an extension on the deadline

Sorry only means sorry if you don't do it again but if you do it again then you still have to say double sorry

Sorry comes from the word sorrow. Probably. I don't know. No. It doesn't. It's actually related to the word 'sore'. The sorrow connection is unrelated and is because of a vowel change or something.

Instead of sorry just say 'PAIN'

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