Wednesday, November 29, 2023

threw up last night

 woke up around 3am and my stomach hurt. about 90 minutes later I vom'd. then I felt better and went back to sleep. I was looking through my blog trying to find the last time I threw up because I remember writing about it. 

Yes yes yes I just remembered it was December 2019 and I got caught in a cold rain and had hypothermia and later threw up after a disastrous shoe-shopping experience. Is that the last time I threw up? Maybe.

I think I maybe did again at the end of 2021 but I can't remember for sure. 

Anyway here's my attempt to remember for the future. Let's see how long we can go!

I'm pretty sure I threw up because I accidentally bought this reduced fat shredded cheese and it looked weird but I wasn't sure if the cheese had gone bad or if that's just what reduced fat shredded cheese looks like but I'm going to throw it out and never buy it again.

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