Sunday, November 19, 2023

 "Anything might have been anything else and had as much meaning to it."

great quote by tennessee williams. the man the state was named after.

It makes me think about that thing people like to say a lot when talking about people in history or inventors or whoever "Oh, if so-and-so hadn't done such-and-such then there never would've been blah-blah-blah" 

That's so lame. What a lame wrong thing to say. It probably would've been done anyway and even if it never happened the world wouldn't have any less meaning or richness. Hamlet says, "there is nothing good or bad but thinking makes it so."

So who cares if pop-tarts have already been invented. Make your own product called top-parts and it's where you take like, the top part of an oreo and the top part of candy corn and the top part of a s'more and the top part of a sandwich, and the top part of a banana and the top part of peanut butter that has separated over time and you put all that in food processor and blend it into a paste and inject that into like a bread-pastry thing. And don't let the little minds of others stop you.

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