Wednesday, November 15, 2023

things I wouldn't do anymore if I was a frog

I wouldn't have to renew my car registration anymore with the DMV. The DMV secret police would pull my car over and try to get me but inside they would just find a frog which would be impossible to arrest.

Pay 9 dollars for fake chicken nuggets. I would eat bugs instead for free.

Reach things for people. A tremendous hassle now alleviated by the fact that I am the size of an apple and would ride around in the coat pocket of my man-servant Beauregard who is a black-belt in karate and has a mustache and carries an axe.

Political intrigue. How can I be expected to keep up with all the goings-ons of politicians when I spend my days and nights sitting in water and screaming with my friends.

Frogs are amphibious.

And the last thing I wouldn't have to do anymore as a frog is suffer the slings and arrows of waiting for water to boil because I heard once that if you put a frog in boiling water it will just be a like hot tub for it. Checkmate.

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