Sunday, September 10, 2023

this is my inner middle school journal entry

 Just listened to Paint the Town Red! What a great song! Did you know that the music video is based on paintings she made? Incredible. It's an incredibly catchy song about how she doesn't care what people think of her and if you think that she's a bad person, well too guess what ding-dong because she would love to be the villain anyway. And then I was thinking about all the other great Doja Cat songs. Say So, Get Into It parentheses yuh, Kiss Me More, and Mooooo! Say whatever you want about Doja but she knows how to make pop bangers. 

And then earlier this week I saw a video of aman with a very scary intense face telling me that I shouldn't put bananas in my smoothie. He had one of those faces where you can see all the muscles and sinews and stuff in his face and it looked really tense and his eyes were super wide and he was like, "IF YOU PUT BERRIES AND BANANAS IN A SMOOTHIE TOGETHER THE BANANA HAS SPECIAL BANANA CHEMICALS THAT CANCEL OUT ALL THE BERRY CHEMICALS!" Well, guess what scary man? I wasn't trying to put berry chemicals in my body anyway. I just want to have the yummy smoothie that I like. That's awfully presumptuous to think it's acceptable to look like that and to assume my smoothie intentions.

Also I just heard a cricket and it was extra super loud. 

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