Thursday, September 28, 2023

Feast of Fools

I was making the schedule for the overnight camp today and we needed an evening program and I wrote in Feast of Fools. It was this holiday celebrated by medieval clergy where for one day they would all elect some person of low status to be a False Archbishop and everyone who was high status would pretend to be all lowly and they would all listen and do whatever the False Archbishop said. 

A big thing about overnight camps is that they're very routine based by nature and so if you pay even a little bit of attention you can start to figure out what's going to happen at any given time. So I think it would be fun if for an afternoon/evening we elected arguably the least qualified camper and had them do an impression of what they thought running the camp day looked like. We'd boil an entire camp day down into about 90 minutes to 2 hours and every section of the day would be 5 to 15 minutes long and we'd have to do them exactly how the False Camp Director instructed.

Also, I learned that back in 11th century times, fool was a synonym for humble. So just a Feast of Humble People.

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