Sunday, September 3, 2023

things I did today and also a poem

 -watered all my plants

-finished the Crying of Lot 49. it was weird

-mostly finished the drawing on wood I've been working on

-did a survey about coaching availability

-my kitchen towels and my blender were kinda smelly so I washed them

-did a great 15 mile long run

-made a decent smoothie

-stretched a bunch


green green field in the hot hot sun.

Could anyone be so lucky to know that they stand

in a green green field in the hot hot sun.

With bees that sting and grass that itches

and sometimes the rotting carcass of a deer

in a green green field in the hot hot sun.

A long march across, long as the day,

oppressive heat but remembered as fun

in a green green field in the hot hot sun.

So go where you went and become what you are

And carry the thousand nameless feelings invoked

by a green green field in a hot hot sun

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