Saturday, September 23, 2023

did 4 weeks of 8x200, now what? also, as best I can tell, my yearly bests in the mile since 2008

 There are two paths.

1) focus on 100 meter sprints and try to get really fast. like 100 meters in 13 seconds and 200 meters in 28 seconds (fast for me)


2) go up to 8x400 meters and try to break 5 minutes in the mile at the end of October

I'll do option 2. I've broken 5 minutes for a mile every year since 2008 and I haven't done it for 2023 yet.

Let me try to remember my yearly mile bests for every year:

2008- 4:54. at one of the last track meets of my junior year

2009- 4:50. at the first indoor meet of my senior year and then I didn't break it

2010- 4:40! I know it was at an EMU summer meet after my freshman year of college. 

2011- 4:37. random time trial with Team Blitz. I remember I went 70, 70, 70, 67

2012- 4:35. I think this was my PR for a while in an EMU summer meet the year I worked at the Rec Center

2013- 4:42 in a random workout with 2.0

2014- Before a cross country race in the Fall I ran like a 4:54 on the track. Also in the summer I would go to the track and run one sub-5 for a workout 

2015- 4:29. great 1600 time trial with Abrham. current PR. last great summer of training.

2016- 4:32. A time trial with RMR one morning. I remember I led most of this and closed really well

2017- Through April or so this was the fittest I've ever been but the only miles I can find are a random 4:59 I did at the end of a run on roads and the first mile of a really bad 5k that I ran in 4:55. still counts! I 

2018- 4:57. an injury filled year but I did some of my highest volume ever and ran this in sandals

2019- 4:44. this was that spring I was really really fast for no reason and ran this while feeling terrible

2020- 4:37. a covid time trial. I was really fit this year. did a lot of speed

2021- best I could find was a 4:53. don't know what I was doing this year. a bit lost

2022- 4:42 at a summer track meet at CHS. this was impressive given camp and the heat it was run in. got covid shortly after

2023- at some point in October I'll do it.

After I do the 10 miler in March 2024 I'm going to go back to trying to PR in the mile. I'm confident I can do it. Looking back through my yearly bests I'm impressed by my college times. My workouts weren't very structured and I think I was doing a lot of fast running at the end of runs. Maybe I'll do some more of that. It's always fun.

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