Tuesday, September 19, 2023

peace mode and chaos mode

 My apartment has windows on two sides. My living room and bedroom windows face South and the shops and busy roads are on that side. My kitchen and bathroom windows face North and it's a quiet residential street with lots of trees and greenery. 

When I open the windows on the South side that's chaos mode. I hear the loud cars revving their engines on the bypass. I hear the people yelling outside the restaurant downstairs. The north facing windows are peace mode. I hear the birds in the trees. I hear someone practicing smooth jazz trumpet today. I hear the wind rustling the leaves.

Last night I woke up around 3 AM from coughing and I thought I was getting sick because I couldn't take a deep breath without wanting to cough. And then after I don't know how long I had a really big cough that hurt my throat and I guess it cleared whatever chalk dust or virus or whatever junk was in my lungs because then I was fine and my sinuses cleared and I passed out for like 6 hours straight.

Anyway right now it's peace mode and it's great.

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