Wednesday, September 20, 2023

some things I remember from maw maw and paw paw's house growing up

- timing myself running around the house

-learning how to throw a frisbee

-the wood storage in the basement

-climbing on the sheds

-the cherry tree

-the grape vine

-the neighbor's house with a bridge over a creek

-the big satellite dish that moved in the backyard

-playing baseball

-trying to find the thing that changed in the house from my last visit

-the way the channels changed on the TV

-the breakfast bar

-getting my hair washed in the sink

-playing video games in the basement

-eating corn by the big tree in the backyard and maw maw saying, "I've seen birds clean it better than that!" and then I would have to eat every kernel off the cob

-the birthday cakes with my choice of decoration on the icing

-the treadmill and rowing machine in the basement

-the swings

-the smell of the inside of the sheds

-the truck and the car that sit outside my apartment now

-the old red car that would take us to their house on the weekend

-the way Maw Maw says AMP and Dunham-Bush

-waking up early and seeing Paw Paw sitting in his chair

-the way they laughed at hanna-barbera cartoons

-the way paw paw loved peanuts

-being sick on christmas and going to the hospital

-opening too many presents on Christmas Eve and not having as many to open on Christmas

-forming a clubhouse in the base of a big tree

-telling Maw Maw "I can eat grass!" and her saying, "No you can't. You'll throw up all over your new white shoes." And then I ate grass and threw up all over my new white shoes

I had a good childhood

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