Tuesday, August 29, 2023

Top 5 Tough Truths

Here's a story:

Lying is an important part of being a counselor. But telling the tough truths is even more important. Here are my top 5 tough truths I've told campers over the years.

In 2019 a kid asked me, "when's dinner?" and I said, "Oh I already ate all the dinner and threw it up in the river. Sorry." and they said, "really?" and I said, "yeah. sorry."

Last year I did this thing where whenever I found two socks I would just throw one in the trash. And then at lost and found people would always be like, "how do you lose 1 sock?" and it was really me.

Every year I say the Mechums River Walk is fun and it is fun.

Number 4 is um...the official lore of the Marshmallow Fairy is they were just a regular person who made a Marshmallow Sorcerer mad in the parking lot of a Kroger. And they were cursed to be a Marshmallow Fairy. The Marshmallow Fairy appears and in exchange for the Marshmallow Fairy leaving the magic realm, I am suspended in a tube and they run experiments on me. Also, the Marshmallow Fairy is unstuck from time.

And the number 5 tough truth that I've had to tell campers over the years is that you probably are a decent person you just need to work really hard to be recognized for anything or have money or just be naturally talented because some people are naturally talented and they'll always be better than you no matter how hard you try but you still have to try anyway because your spirit and the futility you were sentenced to from birth are redeemed in the trying. the end. 

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