Sunday, August 20, 2023

story #1

A lot of people wonder if how I act at camp is how I act outside of camp. How much of all this is a character and a performance? If you see me on the street how should you approach me? What should you expect? Well, I'll set your minds at ease and tell you that there are some differences. Camp Me and Not Camp Me have some slight but unmistakable differences.

Like if I saw Anders in at camp I'd say something like "oh hey Anders" but if I saw Anders in town somewhere I'd be like "oh hey Anders".

Or if someone asked me to check if their coffee was too hot at camp I'd try it and say, "ooo yeah that's still too hot" but if I ran into someone at a coffee shop and they asked me the same thing I'd be more like "ooo yeah that's still too hot."

Or if I was drinking water at camp I'd drink it like this, but if I was drinking water at home I'd drink it like this.

[make up some more things]

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