Saturday, August 26, 2023

good visit to harrisonburg

 They got a cat. She's a sweet cat. 

Went shopping with Mom, changed my brakes with Dad, visited Grandpa Dave. A good trip all around. 

I found Crying of Lot 49 on a bookshelf and started rereading it. There's a lot of I can't quite piece together, his phrasing is really tricky at times but it's a fun book. I read about a chapter a day and then I have to put it down. 

Today I helped out at the pool. It was a pretty busy day but I got a lot of reading done and played around on the diving board during the lulls. 

I went to the climbing gym after and I didn't realize just how hot the day had been because I was super tired but didn't really understand why. Then I went home and saw the high for the day and realized what I'd been sitting outside in for 6 hours. So, I haven't lost as much fitness as I'd feared. 

I'd really like to get back on a good schedule of running and climbing. That's the goal for this week.

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