Tuesday, August 22, 2023

reflecting 8/22

 Woke up and read the start of Remember Be Here Now. I started reading the book at camp again for the 2nd summer and I always really enjoy the group that I can get to stick around for it. It's a really interesting book.

The ideas that really resonate with me are mostly about cultivating a sense of calm and perspective and reflection. For my own sake I'd like to work towards having that calm presence but also I think that's a valuable quality for working with people and kids specifically. 

Today I worked towards that goal by reading Remember Be Here Now, whittling and sanding the rings I'm working on, and listening to some relaxing music. 

Gonna go for a run now and then do climbing tryouts which will probably be crowded and a little hectic but I'm going to focus on being positive and friendly. Catching up with the kids I haven't seen in a while and making an effort to get to know as many of the new folks trying out as possible.

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