Wednesday, June 29, 2022

a magical transformation

 today I started my run and just felt awful. absolutely terrible. 5 minutes in I thought about turning around and giving myself a rest day. I convinced myself I needed a rest day and it would be foolish to do anything but. But then I ran into some counselors who I saw on a run on Friday, people I haven't seen in years, and that made me laugh so I kept going. And the trail I was going to run on was only a mile way so I figured I might as well get to the trail and run a portion of it and then I could cut the run short. And then about 3 miles in I felt great and was in a flow state and thinking about how great running feels and how I've trained myself to be pretty good at it. 

And then I almost achieved total spiritual awakening but then the trail stopped and I just ran back on the road, doing the run I had planned to do initially.

And this is just like a weekly occurrence at this point. 

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