Friday, June 3, 2022

week one done

 really really tired. I never sleep well the first night at camp albemarle. my first time sleeping over there I didn't sleep at all. I also forgot my watch and had no idea what time it was and got up way too early. 

Other than being a little tired though I feel good. I went into this week with two injuries--one in my right achilles and one in my right wrist. My achilles has cleared up completely and I'm really happy about that. My wrist is getting better but it still has a ways to go. I bummed that climbing will probably prevent it from healing but also I'm so tired from camp it's hard to imagine having the energy to go climbing. That is the nice thing about how consuming camp is. I don't have to worry as much about the things I do during the year. I'm happy to just climb a little bit and keep up with running. 

I think I have De Quervain's tenosynovitis which is basically inflammation of the tendons around your thumb. The funny thing is I'm pretty sure I got it from the way I was holding the bamboo I've been working on. Looking online it says the condition is common for parents of newborn babies when they repeatedly lift the baby and use their thumb for leverage. That's the same way I've been cradling the bamboo when I'm sanding or lifting it. I'm happy to have a better idea of what's going on and I found some exercises and stretches that might help. I'm pretty sure I was only making it worse before but now I can actually work on it.

Excited for camp to really get started!

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