Friday, June 10, 2022

saw erin and climbed today

 great to see Erin.

good to climb. I took the longest break I've taken in a while and I actually felt really good. A couple times my wrist was a little unhappy but overall it was very successful. I think I'll still take climbing very slow and also I'm enjoying just focusing on running and camp.

I ran my camp DnD game and I got the best possible group of boys to test run it for me. I announced I would do it and they immediately came over so that was awesome and the highlight of my week. It's really great to meet funny and awesome kids and be able to have a great camp experience with them. I'm much happier about this week. There was so much more going on. Next week camp will be huge and I'm excited for that too. I was telling Erin that I would obviously prefer to be having fun but I think I would rather be stressed than bored. At least at camp.

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