Monday, June 27, 2022

what a counselor's job is

 you could maybe describe it in 3 layers

bottom layer: safety and supervision. you're maintaining the wellbeing of the kids you're in charge of. basic responsibility and common sense.

middle layer: a positive relationship. you're an older person that treats campers with respect and models positive behavior. we crave positive relationships and need them to feel healthy. You want your campers to feel seen and valued.

top layer: creating experiences. this is the most creative and imaginative layer. what jokes, games, conversations, experiences can you create that will impact a camper's life? I think with the right supports in place there's an infinite number of experiences that can be had in the camp setting. I think what goes on at camp is just as formative in creating world views as any type of media or anything that goes on in school. But it's not just making something for people to consume it's also a process that everyone participates in. at the risk of sounding way too corny it's living out loud.

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