Monday, June 6, 2022

quick recap then off to bed

 woke up before my alarm

ate granola for breakfast and also a single egg and also a banana maybe I forget

drank a lot of coffee. my roommate Ian moved out today so I took a lot of coffee because he is taking the coffee machine and now I will have to get a french press or just buy coffee in the mornings

carpooled to work with Jenna. we talked about her new apartment and listened to 80s songs. jenna likes 80s songs.

this week at camp there's more kids. like 40 of them. last week we had 7. 

I lost in tetherball to an 11 year old

I made up this weird dice game and it ended up having two supernations declare war on each other

we played towelball. it was fun. towel ball is like volleyball but two people hold a towel between them to launch the ball over the net.

I swam my lap of the pool today. It's getting easier.

I had a decent run of 7.5 miles. It wasn't very fast and my legs felt dead but that's okay and to be expected.

I thought I was going to play DnD but I assumed wrong and so I worked on making this grid on a piece of cardboard and painting it for the camp DnD game.

Smriti came over while I ate dinner. I made rice and mushrooms and some microwaveable indian food.

I rearranged the living room and moved some of my plants around.

My wrist is slowly slowly starting to improve. I still have some random pains but not nearly as many today and overall it just feels healthier.

Some kids were being really inappropriate while talking at a picnic table today during pick-up and it just kinda bummed me out. 

I'm excited to move into my new apartment.

I'm ready for camp to really get going.

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