Friday, January 24, 2020

What I'm Working On

- in my art classes I'm still having the kids do 3D art. I'm trying to make some large paper mache sculptures and they haven't really caught on with the kids yet which means my progress has been a little slow. They're really interested in building with hot glue guns and popsicle sticks. They've made some really interesting things.

-at afterschool we've been exploring a second, larger area of woods that I call Woods 2. It's pretty exciting for the kids and for me. we've also been playing a version of Dungeons and Dragons that I'm calling Potato Farmer Simulator. The kids are all potato farmers and strange robotic, insect aliens are coming in the farm at night and causing all kinds of mischief and havoc. A lot of them ignore the storyline completely and focus on things like making friends with a duck, becoming rich, trying to destroy their friend's basement. It's good fun. We played for about an hour straight yesterday.

-I'm running a race this weekend in Charlotte with my friend Peyton. We're going to drive down tonight and race in the afternoon. It's an 8k. I think I can do really really well. I've put in a lot of good work and I feel stronger than I've ever felt before. I'm really looking forward to it.

-I've been rock climbing about twice a week and making progress. I'd like to be able to do V4's soon. At the gym they rate each route by difficulty from V0 to like, V8 or so. The first time I went I could do all the V0's and some V1's. And then after about a month or so I could do a good amount of V2's. And for the past few months my limit is mostly V3's. I went on Wednesday though and I can get to the middle of about 3 different V4 routes and I think it's the kind of thing where I'll be able to keep making progress on them and will probably get at least one within a month. So that's exciting.

I've been drawing a good amount but I haven't posted much anywhere because I got it in my head that I really wanted to start putting things out in the world. like street art. but I haven't been able to make time for doing that. I'll figure something out.

and yeah! that's pretty much my life right now. going good.

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