Sunday, January 5, 2020

At some point in college I think my mom told me that my grandpa would read this blog. I really liked that. He's a pretty quiet person who doesn't tend to speak too much unless there's something he really wants to say. Anyway, I liked that he enjoyed reading what I wrote, even if it probably didn't make any sense a lot of the time. It feels like a really good connection to someone I admire and respect a lot but don't talk to as much as I would like. He's been having some troubles for a while and I'm not sure if he still read this or not. I saw him over Thanksgiving and Christmas. I wish we could have talked more. I think he's a really strong person and it's hard to see him be so down on himself. I know he's done a lot in his life that I will never have to do and that's part of the reason that I'm even here at all. I'd like to say that I still think he can do more than he might think he can right now. I don't know. It's stuff that feels hard to bring up and talk about and this seems like maybe a good space for it. That's about it.

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