Saturday, January 4, 2020


Oh man, I only posted twice last month. What a way to end the decade. I do want to keep up this blog though. This will be the third decade that this blog has existed in.

Some things I'm excited about:

today I found out about two exciting opportunities!

1- I was asked to be the director of a leadership school--an offshoot of the summer camp I worked at last summer. It pays more, has a fancy title, and makes me a professional adventure leader guy. That's really exciting! I can't wait for the summer!

2- a local musician in charlottesville asked me if I would be interested in making a poster! that's neat!

another thing I'm exciting about

-I think running is going to go really well this year. I've been having really good workouts. getting really strong. I'm excited. 2017- I had the best races of my life before getting injured for a long time. 2018- I started with injuries and worked through them and then started running A LOT! 2019- I was still running A LOT (probably too much) and had some disappointing races. Then I was starting to figure it out by the spring, had nagging injuries all summer, and things started clicking again by the Fall. So, after working through injuries and training wrong, I think I'm finally in a place to get back to or surpass that 2017 fitness. Time will tell.

another thing I'm excited about

I'm cautiously excited about this but I decided to put myself out there more and get on some dating apps 😬 we'll see.

In summation, my goals for the year are as follows:

-make after school the best it can be
-make things: art, writing, videos
-teaching art
-summer camp

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