Wednesday, January 8, 2020

more things that you can say to anyone

because I don't have work today

-what does it really mean to be "it" in tag?

-a bag full of bananas. but no ban full of bagagas? get it together, english.

-is it arbitrary or arbartartartreetree?

-play it fast and loose like a...cheetah with ehlers-danlos

-I'm totally unbiased. I swear. I have no bias. I'm a completely objective judge. Seriously. Absolutely no bias.

-The word pinky could just be a nickname for pencil.

-0546. The way I'd remember that is....I don't know. That's a hard combination to remember. It's a tough one. Nothing jumps to mind immediately. You're just gonna have to do it. Like mowing the grass.

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