Saturday, January 25, 2020

ran a good race today

I ran 26:14 for 8k, or 4.95 miles. It felt really good. I hit 5:13 for the first mile and didn't deviate too much in pace and it very gradually became less comfortable. 

It was a promising performance and in line with where I was in the Fall. What I need to do is find a way to build off of it. Which should be pretty straightforward. But I feel like I've been stuck at this plateau of performance for a while. I'm optimistic though. 

I have two and a half weeks until Costa Rica so that's a good amount of time to do some good workouts. One thing that's been helpful is to think about how I'm healthy and fit enough to be able to push myself and enjoy it. I think I'll keep focusing on that and hopefully that will lead to exciting training that will lead to exciting races.

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