Sunday, October 20, 2019

things I want to prioritize

running- I ran 26:20 yesterday for 3rd in an 8k cross country race against a bunch of college kids. It went well. I think it was definitely on par with a 20:50 I ran for 4 miles two weekends ago, possibly slightly better given that it was about a mile farther and on a cross country course instead of roads. I still feel like I have room to improve. The Richmond 8k and the Harrisonburg Turkey Trot are my main goals for the Fall.

afterschool- Afterschool has been going really well this year. The kids are really bought in and having a great time. There have been a lot of shake-ups with staff but I've been able to be consistent and lead my group without much help so that's been good. I have an idea for a card game that I am slowly creating and I think the kids might get really into it. Maybe I can have something made by the end of this week.

art- I've been staying really busy with projects and making things. Lately it's seemed like ideas keep leading to more ideas and I also have some requests for making things that I haven't been able to start. I finished up a different card game yesterday that I need to print and put together. I think it could be really fun. Last month I was doing a lot of painting and this month I've been busy with little projects, mostly drawing. I also have a weird book I'm slowly putting together.

teaching art: This Thursday I had a great day teaching art because I felt like all of my classes were bought into the routine that I've established. Without much prompting everyone just kind of did their thing. So that's exciting to see progress in setting up an environment where they want to make things.

yeah! I think I should leave it at that. There are other things I could put on this list but I think if I put too many things then I'll feel like I'm not getting enough done. Two jobs and two hobbies seem pretty good for one person!

oh and rock climbing! Gotta get better at rock climbing. At least once a week!

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