Wednesday, October 30, 2019

I'm fully sick

Oh man. I'm fully congested, feeling crummy sick. Mouth breathing. Little bit of a cough. This cold came on Monday night and now it is in full swing. So excited to not sleep very much and wake up early for a full day of teaching and afterschool. But that's alright because I have a long weekend for afterschool so all I have to do is survive tomorrow and then I can rest up and be my self by next week. That's pretty good.

I didn't run yesterday or today so maybe my goal of running a great mile repeat session on Friday will have to be scrapped. I did finish my card game though. I'm pretty excited about it. I think it could be fun. It's called That Card Game with Dice, because I'm bad at coming up with names. I think it's something elementary/middle school me might have really enjoyed. You draw cards and then they do different things based on what number you roll on the die. You try to beat the other person. It's fun. I'm trying to sell it to the kids at afterschool. I'll organize tournaments with prizes so they have to play. My favorite part is that it's really customizable and a deck is only 10 cards so there's a low barrier for contributing.

Had a minor hiccup in the design today after I printed the first batch and realized that the pictures were too small and the text was too fuzzy. So tonight I went through and redesigned the cards to make the pictures bigger and moved a lot of text to a separate card that can be referenced during play.

I made a deck where you just try to hit the other person really hard. I made a deck where you try to mess with the cards and the dice and control what's happening. I made a deck where the cards work together and boost each other. I made a deck where you poison the other person and they build up a bunch of passive damage. And I made a deck where you're trying to sacrifice your own cards and if you succeed then you summon Lord Smorgasbord who wins the game for you. I had some ideas for other decks and one off cards because I think you could eventually mix and match different types.

I don't know. It's a lot of work. I'm kinda tired at looking at a Google Doc and editing. I wanna draw now. I should go to bed but my nose is so stuffed up I know I won't sleep well. Oh well. At least it's gonna rain all day tomorrow. Happy Halloween. :D

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