Thursday, October 24, 2019

my favorite interaction today

at the end of the day in afterschool we were in the gym and I see a 4th grade girl off to the side with her hand over her face, clearly looking upset. I walked over and she was crying a little bit which was odd because like 5 minutes before we were in the gym I'd just been talking to her and she seemed fine, a little off and weird and she made an off-hand comment about people not liking her but far from crying. Anyway, I sat down next to her and just tried to be there for her if she needed me. I asked a few more times if anything had happened and she never gave an answer other than shaking her head but something felt right about sitting next to her like that. Like it was okay that she was sad and she wasn't alone and I was just gonna sit there with her if she needed me.

After a few minutes she got up and rejoined the group and started having fun with the other kids so that was good to see. I don't know. I don't really consider myself good at comforting people but it felt like the right thing in that moment.

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