Monday, April 22, 2019

What did those crazy kids do today?

I didn't talk about this earlier but on the same day I organized those feathers with that kid, um, like just out of frame of that shot was a girl with a broken leg sitting in a chair, waiting for her dad to show up.

She fell in the heads and thought she twisted her ankle so I had to carry her inside on my back because an ambulance seemed like a big fuss and also I didn't know her leg was hurt.

Anyway, I only mention that because that girl wasn't at school today and I'm pretty sure her younger sister faked a stomachache so she could get out of afterschool early and go see her sister who was at her grandparents.

Some kids are manipulative.  And I guess they grow up into manipulative adults too, some of them. And maybe some kids aren't as manipulative and they have some stuff happen and gain some social awareness only with some unresolved conflicts and become manipulative. And it's hard to trust people. Which is why I didn't call the ambulance for that girl and just carried her inside instead.

I didn't know what I was going to write before I started typing this.

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