Thursday, April 11, 2019

Moment from Yesterday

In the earlier post I showed the picture of the Pop the Pig I'm tattooing. So now I have a group of kids wanting to draw on things. Yesterday this 5th grade girl starts walking around the table saying, "will someone let me give them a tattoo? Can I draw on someone? Who's gonna let me tattoo them?"

And I stop her and I say, "hold on. You can't just ask people to draw on them. You have to make some samples. Show people what they're going to get first. Draw some designs on paper for people to choose from. Or better yet, draw on yourself."

She laughs and goes, "No way. My parents would kill me."

And I say, "Okay, well find someone who won't get in trouble then."

And she announces to the table again, "Who wants me to draw on them?"

And her younger sister says, "You can draw on my hand!"

"You have the same parents!" I yell and walk away.

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