Friday, April 5, 2019

For April

I thought for April I could just talk about how my body felt each day.

Today my lower back was really sore and tight. It was tight last night as well. I think it's a combination of doing a hard track workout on tuesday, moving lots of boxes (I moved last weekend!) and sitting on a wooden bench for a long time with bad posture.

Anyway that was a thing but I planned on trying a tempo run today and after I moved around a bit in the morning my back felt better so I went ahead with the workout. It was really successful!

My goal was to not let myself get totally tired out in a 7 mile run and be able to push hard at the end. Lately in races and hard workouts I just reach this point where it hurts and I can't push through it so I kind of give up. And I know in the past I've hit that pain and been able to keep pressing. It's probably just being out of practice. So today I practiced running hard and it was successful!

My legs and back were sore afterwards but nothing hurt so as long as I hydrate and take a few days easy I should be fine!

Another effect of moving and the warm weather is that I've felt more creative and energized. I feel less sluggish and tired. Having a break from work has helped with that too probably. This isn't a body feeling but I do feel happier in general. And part of that is feeling in control of myself and how I feel and what I present to other people.

but I should be asleep right now!

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