Monday, April 29, 2019

Gave Out Some Advice Today

I was talking with a 4th grade girl and she brought up that one of her friend's was mean to her during school. She was going into the details and describing things that had happened and then she stopped and said, "I don't really like talking about people behind their backs. I know that's not a good thing to do."

And another girl immediately goes, "But it feels so good!"

So I offered, "Well, you can talk about how you feel and how someone made you feel. If you keep the focus on yourself rather than what someone did or who you think they are."

It's not perfect advice and I'm not sure if it made complete sense to her but I thought it was alright. I think it's something I figured out as I was saying it. I don't know.

1 comment:

Errrn said...

I think it’s good advice that most people could apply to their lives!!