Sunday, March 17, 2019

Grocery Shout Outs

Shout out to O-LIVE! olive oil for being on sale. 9.99 down to 6.99? What a hero. Fantastic. Keep up the great work.

Bananas. You're all dying. But you're always winners. Cheap, plentiful and full of energy. If it wasn't for you,  oatmeal would be nothing.

Oatmeal, I know what I just said but don't get down on yourself. You are a key part of the wake up ritual. You've fueled runs and mornings for as long as I've been buying groceries. Such a heavy lifter and impossibly dependable. 

Raisins and Peanuts. I'm trying not to eat candy anymore. And to be honest, i'm not doing a great job. But you guys are great substitutes. I'm not a big snacker but having you both around will help me make good choices between meals.

Lastly, I wanna give a shout out to eggs. I don't always buy eggs and it takes me a long time to go through them. Honestly, eggs, you aren't that great. I couldn't point to anything that you should improve but you just don't seem like the best version of you. Figure that out and get back to me. I believe in you to a degree.

1 comment:

Cassiar Memekio said...

"Oatmeal, I know what I just said but don't get down on yourself." Haha this is amazing