Thursday, March 28, 2019

Work Training

I had a professional development today and we were learning about the classroom approach philosophy thing that the county uses with students.

The woman who led the training was really good and she kept repeating one of the phrases she uses in her classroom, "everyone works together, everyone plays together."

So during one of the breaks I went up to her and told her about these situations where a kid is rejected from the group because they ignore and disregard the needs of the group.

She had an interesting response which was "well, I wouldn't ever let a situation get to that point." Meaning she would give reminders about expectations and review how we treat each other and also monitor interactions throughout the day and catch things early. Which is a solid answer. You really can't fault anything in it. If a teacher is in a position to do something they should.

I guess if I had to disagree with anything it's that this is a teacher-centered approach. Where the culture begins and ends with the teacher. And maybe I'm starting to go more towards a student-centered approach where I will offer support and I'll clarify and step in if I have to but sometimes you just have to learn from your peers.

I'm not going to let anyone fail but I also think you need to make true mistakes to really learn. If robocop teacher is always on top of everything, then you run the risk of never really gaining that valuable social fear and dread. And where would that get you?

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