Wednesday, March 6, 2019

Taylor Reveley Compliments His Pharmacist

Charles, oftentimes we are asked to look back on our lives and reflect on moments of individual achievement. When someone says, "who are you? what are you doing back here?" we are expected to answer "I got a hole in one on the last hole, I win a free ice cream" as if who we are and what defines us is a singular effort.

But if we give ourselves a closer inspection and retrospection, we see that we are never truly alone. We are always tied to the people around us. And any success is enabled by the kindness and cooperation of others. So, Charles, thank you for getting me these cough drops. As I leisurely roll them across my tongue and listen to the hollow clack of the lozenge moving about my mouth, gently unspooling its menthol coating to reveal the sweetness of a candy morsel, my thoughts will be with you, Charles. 

You have made me the happiest man ever.

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