Wednesday, March 20, 2019

Mini Society

Some cool developments in the woods today.

The 5th graders developed some pretty awesome tools that allowed them to set rocks into the ground like a walkway. 

That was really cool. But then an even cooler thing happened when a 3rd grader came over and asked if he could help. The 5th graders seemed wary and I said, 

"Oh, you should totally hire him. He did some great work carving out stairs over on the other side of the woods."

And the lead boy was like "oh yeah? Let's check it out."

So three of them run over to the stairs and inspect his handiwork and give him the job. He was allowed access into the main fort and commissioned to make a fire pit.

I just think that's so cool. Like something out of medieval apprenticeships. This 3rd grader did an example piece and then traveled around as a journeyman to earn commissions. So cool!

I was trying to explain to a nearby 3rd grade girl "This is what society used to be! We're doing it! It's happening!"

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