Friday, March 15, 2019


Scene: we're lining up to go inside and eat snack. I'm walking up to the door when a boy takes a big step forward towards two other boys. The stepping boy will be referred to as Poop Hands because right before I called to line up, this boy accidentally got some poop on his hands. Poop Hands is aggressively posturing at two boys in line who step back, fearing his poop-ridden hands. I approach the scene.

Me: hey, can we just stand in line the way we're supposed to?

Poop Hands: I'm not doing anything.

Me: actually, that's called posturing. You're getting in their space and making them back up.

Poop Hands: no! I'm just walking.

Poop Hands continues to walk towards the boys, posturing, right in front of me.

Me: You're still doing it. The way you're walking towards them is making them back up. That's posturing.

Poop Hands: no! I'm not. I'm just walking.

Me: That is not what is happening, Poop Hands.

Poop Hands: I'm just walking to the back of line.

Poop Hands begins to walk to the back of the line.

Me: you're walking to the back of the line?

Poop Hands: yes, i'm walking to the back of the line.

Me: you're going to the back of line?

Poop Hands: yes.

Me: go walk to the back of line.

Poop Hands: I am.

Me: where are you? The back of the line?

Poop Hands: Yes! I'm at the back of the line. 

Me: what's your name?

Poop Hands is silent.

The line heads inside and Poop Hands silently goes to the bathroom to wash his hands. He's clearly upset at me but inside I give him a popsicle and praise him in front of the group for his effort and skill in sports. Tensions ease.

(I didn't actually call him Poop Hands)

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