Wednesday, March 13, 2019


I know I'm killing my eyes. Spending all this time looking at tiny screens. It can't be good. It must be established fact by now. I guess I could chalk it up to the vice of my age. Like putting lead makeup on my face.

Or I could look into exercises and routines to mitigate the effects. Or I could go cold turkey. 

But it's probably somewhat naive to assume that screens like this will even be around in 10-15 years. They'll likely be replaced by some new augmented reality technology that will be easy on the eyes and terrible in numerous other ways.

Gosh, this technology thing. It's really got us now, huh?

^Hot take by Andy 


2.0 said...

Based on what I was told as a kid, it is the proximity of the screen that is an issue. So make sure you sit on the opposite side of the room as your phone when using it.

Andy Lawrence said...

What the people need is prosthetic telescoping thumb attachments. It will solve all of our problems.

Cassiar Memekio said...

"I guess I could chalk it up to the vice of my age. Like putting lead makeup on my face." Haha that's true, that's an interesting idea.