Tuesday, March 12, 2019


Over the weekend, some nefarious and bumbling grown ups went down into the woods that my kids have been colonizing and tore down their stick forts and made some clearings and pathways.

Apparently the space will be used for an outdoor classroom or something. 

It's a shame because obviously afterschool has no claim to the space but I know that we did a lot to inadvertently make the space usable for the school. It was a lot closer to true woods before we started stomping around there and clearing out brush and dead trees and vines.

The centerpiece of the whole space, cherished by unspoken agreement, was the firepit. Built by the careful arrangement of rocks and sticks. It was utterly destroyed. 

So I knew that some sort of culture had taken hold when almost all of the kids joined in a circle around a stick stuck in the ground to mark the location of the firepit. We "cried" and said our respects and sang "lean on me" and put offerings down.

overall the kids were super salty and one particularly egregious rabble-rouser tried to start a "war" chant.


Cassiar Memekio said...

So messed up

Cassiar Memekio said...

Haha but that's an amazing response