Thursday, January 31, 2019

Made it Through January

Podcast Idea for my friend Maddie

We do that one game from who's line is it anyway where a person A has to interview person B but A doesn't know who B is and has to figure out their profession or identity.

And then every week we call each other and record an episode, alternating who is the interviewer and interviewee.

Or maybe instead of interviewing, one person is a telemarketing scammer and the other person is just some eccentric personality and they interact.

I think maddie reads this blog...

Wednesday, January 30, 2019

I love rollerskating

in the gym at the school there's a closet full of pretty much 3 things. A big cardboard box full of pool noodles. a cart full of basketballs. And lining the walls on the shelves are rollerskates.

And for as long as I've worked at the school I've never seen kids on these rollerskates. I assumed they have a unit in gym but apparently they don't do that anymore. So they never get used. Kids ask me at least once every two or three weeks if they can get them out and I always dismiss it immediately as crazy talk. No way am I gonna let kids (whether they know how to roller skate or not, I don't know which is worse) put on roller skates and move around the gym when I got like two soccer games and a basketball game and a football game and a little kid running around with pool noodles just slapping people and another kid is on a scooter holding on to a rope and another kid is spinning him around and five other things going on at once. No way. Not ever. Throwing in roller skates is a disaster waiting to happen. Not on my watch.

But then


one of my smartest, best-behaved kids looks in the closet and asks me, "can we get out of the roller skates?" And I know she's expecting me to say no the way I've said no dozens of other times. But I pause. And I look out at the utterly empty gym floor. All the other kids have gone home except another exceptionally well-behaved kid and the first kid's younger brother. And in the moment I can't think of a good reason to say no.

And I say, "yeah, okay". And she says "REALLY?" And I say "Let me be clear. This is the exception. Don't expect me to ever say 'yes' to this again. Don't ask me about it in public. Don't think you're entitled to this. Don't ever say 'but you let us that one time!' As far as I'm concerned this never happened. And you better enjoy it because it's never happening again."

That way when I let it happen again, it'll be on my terms and not because they wore me down. Because I know these kids are gonna brag about it and I'm gonna have to deal with this later from other kids.

But anyway I find a pair of size 9 skates and I put them on and I have music playing on the speakers and it's so cool. I love skating. I forgot how much I love skating.

So that was a fun development. None of the kids go skating much so they were helpless and flopping all over the place and either stomping or trying to run and not going anywhere. We'll see where this goes.

Tuesday, January 29, 2019


I might do a comic called Information Systems that looks at humans as collections of information that identify as collections of information. And try to describe stuff from that lens. That way the drawings could be really abstract and weird. It would be in a pseudo technical style. I'll post it here if I make it

Monday, January 28, 2019


There's a kid at after school in 4th grade, he cant be over 5 feet tall. Probably not even close. Like 4' 9" and we played some serious 1 on 1 today. And obviously I'm not good at basketball and have a full foot on this kid but he is seriously good. Amazing dribbling. Incredibly accurate. Lightning fast. I knew this kid when he was in 1st grade too and you could already tell that he was just amazingly coordinated. His body works together in a way that you rarely see. A true athlete.

So anyway he beat me but I kept it close and I just have to laugh when he gets around me and steals a rebound that there's no way he should be able to get from me. Or I'll swat his shot twice in a row and he'll get it back each time and then manuever around me for a lay up. The level of awareness in space breaks my brain. I love it. I'm thankful that I have attained the level of basketball skill to be competitive with a super talented 4th grader.

I'm on a mission

I've started doing this thing I heard about on the radio where you combine band names together. Like a before and after clue in jeopardy. So like

johann sebastian bachman-turner overdrive by truckers 

I've seen/come up with about 15.

BUT NOW I have a new goal. My new goal is to come up a band name that loops back on itself infinitely. A perfect ring of a name. For example, the band BTO could be combined with the rapper ODB. And those two could keep being connected. But I'd like to find a three band name combination that doesn't use only initials. This is my quest.

Saturday, January 26, 2019

Happy 3/4 Birthday

I've been 27 for 9 months today.

It's the kind of age where whenever anyone asks me how old I am I need to think about it. Most of the time I'll initially think that I might be 28. I rarely think that I'm 26. But mostly it's a blank.

27 has been a good age. I guess. I remember 26 being hard. I worked harder when I was 26. I worked about 50+ hours per week. I was injured for most of 26. I was alone a lot when I was 26.

27 I haven't been injured at all really. I work 20 hours per week and spend most of the rest of the time being productive in ways I enjoy. I have roommates now which is good. I also have more spare time to see people and maintain friendships and things. I'm not making as much money. So that's a downside, I guess. It's always a balance. It wasn't meaningless when I was making more money and I did enjoy not having to worry about money. Now sometimes I'm more likely to get anxious thinking about money at times. If I have unexpected expenses. But the extra free time is valuable as well. That's a strain that I don't have anymore that I did have when I was 26. Keeping my head above water with working a lot.

But I was also lucky that I grew a lot from that work and it was meaningful. I'm probably not growing as much now at work because it's not as challenging an environment. So maybe when I'm 28 I'll swing back to working more and being challenged more. I imagine that pretty soon-ish I'll find a balance. I'm not too stressed about it.

I grow more facial hair now. I also still get acne breakouts. I don't have any grey hairs and I don't think I'm losing hair at all. I feel less fragile than when I was 26. I really went through a bad patch of injury and feeling old from running. So I'm glad that I'm back to feeling stronger and more durable.

For a long time I've been thinking about investing money. I do have some savings that could be used for a big purchase or a rainy day or investing. I guess I'm not really sure how to go about doing it. It all seems kinda fraught and stressful and I imagine that at some point I'll cross some threshold where it will make sense to invest my money. That's probably the wrong way to go about it though. I don't know. Maybe when I get some more "real adult" responsibilities it will make sense to do. But who knows how much longer I'll be able to enjoy this level of freedom? I bet I'll miss it.

And I'll have to remind myself that when I had the freedom, I would spend it worrying about what I would do when I had responsibilities. What a poltroon. What a clown. What a laughable knave. What a...what a wretch.

happy 3/4 birthday to me

Thursday, January 24, 2019

Best Part of Today

I'm introducing the kids to homestar runner. Today I showed them the first episode of teen girl squad and the strong bad email "funny". They like it. It's going well. I'm excited.

Wednesday, January 23, 2019

Quote of the Day

Girl running around the cafeteria with an armful of ripped up paper: I'M A ROBBER!

Me: i thought you were a horse?

Girl [still running]: ... I'm a HORSE ROBBER!

Monday, January 21, 2019

Cold Morning

Our front door warps with temperature changes so over time you have to be careful that the door latches fully. 

Last night the wind blew the door open and it got down to 45 in the house. I didn't notice until I left my room though (thanks to my electric blanket, shoutout to Maw Maw)

Now we have no hot water in the house. I'm guessing it's because of the door because the building next to ours has hot water still. 

It's about 50 degrees now. Gotta get this day started.

Saturday, January 19, 2019

Thursday, January 17, 2019

Hot Take

It seems like the virginia legislature will not pass legislation that would ban plastic bags.

Apparently some lawmakers feel that getting rid of plastic bags, which have only been around since 1979, would cause undue burden.

That's pretty messed up. But only the second strangest news I heard today.

The winner for today was a report that Donald Trump's lawyer, Michael Cohen, allegedly owed 50 thousand dollars to websites that falsely claimed Trump was leading in polls in 2015. Instead of paying 50 thousand dollars, Cohen reportedly paid with 13 thousand in cash and a single used boxing glove worn by a presumably famous Brazilian mixed martial artist.

Glorious. Horrible and glorious.

Wednesday, January 16, 2019


I thought I'd string some words together in a way that would impress you. I'll make them dance and turn and squish and slosh and quiver with equivocation.

Buttered words burned and churned with swerving concerns. They arch upwards creeping vines of words on stone towers vaulting lofty cloud scraping words. Words that flex mightily with pop and swelling curvature sleek lean shrink wrapped tissue with striation and...marbled goodies. Banished words out in badlands badly beaten scraggy dragged and tattered through twisted crags and dust dirt addled coughs back from the brink words. Words like birds. Words like a warm sweater from the dryer. Words simple like a good stone for holding on to.

water machine

we are water machines
the earth is a water machine
cells are water machines
plants are water machines
the sky is a water machine
the ocean is a water machine
a coffee machine is a water machine
a dehumidifier is a water machine
a humidifier is a water machine
is a water machine
is a water machine
watr mchne

Monday, January 14, 2019

Still Making These. Word of the Bird 13

a drawing

A Line From Dazed and Confused

There's a line in Dazed and Confused when the kids are at the party at the moon tower and the red haired girl who hangs out with the "nerds" for most of the movie is talking about the every-other-decade theory. And she says the 60s were great, the 70s obviously suck, and maybe the 80s will be radical.

And I never agreed with the line because based on the portrayal of the characters and the soundtrack, the 70s seemed great. And I never thought the 80s seemed as appealing.

But anyway, the line makes a little more sense now. Like, just from my perspective,  what I choose to see on a daily basis, my life is pretty great. And there's all kinds of exciting new music and media that would make for a flashy and compelling movie sequence. But yeah, at the same time, this era kinda sucks. It's dysfunctional in a lot of ways. And connections are constantly being drawn between Trump and Nixon.

Red, I get it now.

Friday, January 11, 2019


"PUBLIC Cransit!" said Barchfield. This screps the purcedure entirely. Detorctive Barchfield hurled important papers all over his crismal office. The rats would be disappointed in his negligence.

The case was cromled by all manner of shavy characters and arch dupliciters. Barchfield downed a scalding pot of coffee in one gulp and headed down the street to avoid people. No one came to his office. He find it near impossible to avoid eye contact when there was no eye contact directed at him.

He walked into a busy street. He blocked traffic. The cars honked. A symphony of frustration. Yes, thought Barchfield, you see me now. But I will never look your way. Never ever. Barchfield held his arms out wide and gazed straight into the night overhead.

A woman got out of her car and shoved him to the ground. Never will I look, cried Barchfield. The cars continued on their way, unperturbed by the toppled Barchfield. The city hummed along smoothly once more.

Cool Art

from a friend's apartment

Wednesday, January 9, 2019

my friend visited afterschool today

a counselor who worked at camp this summer volunteered at afterschool today. It was one of our best days. We played a game in the gym, dug in the dirt, did some puzzles, played on computers, played basketball, built an obstacle course. Just a great day.

I'm really thankful to work with kids who feel safe and supported enough to welcome someone so quickly and also that I have friends who love working with kids and make things fun.

Tuesday, January 8, 2019

Bury a Golfball

My job is kinda like dancing. Except I'm bad at dancing and pretty good at my job. But you basically know the moves and have a general idea of what to expect, then it's just about bringing energy to the moment. And creating something through interaction. So that's a real gift.

Monday, January 7, 2019


lately I think the funniest thing to do is have an oversized laugh or celebration at something pretty small or innocuous, like something just slightly of note. Not in a mean or sarcastic way. Not like a bitter laughter or clapping. But a genuine reaction that is bigger than what is called for.

Anyway, today I had the kids gathered around Elmer the Elm Tree and I was trying to get their attention and a kid says to another kid, "Yeah, well, today's not Tuesday."

And I looked at him and my eyes got big and I started clapping and getting everyone excited and then I started chanting "Today's not Tuesday! Today's not Tuesday!"

And some kids joined in and we're all yelling and then we stormed down the hill to the playground.

It wasn't super funny but it was fun.

And then later me and two other kids tried running around the track with a big metal bar over our heads. It made my shoulders quite sore. I ran 10 min mile pace for a quarter mile and had to walk several times.

I signed up for races.

On 1/20 I'm running the Frostbite 15k in Richmond. I ran it in 2017 and set PRs in the 8k and 10k. The weather, despite the name, was very pleasant. No telling what it could be like this year but if conditions are good I'd like to go under 50 minutes. In 2017 I ran it in 50:28 with some pretty uneven splits. This year I'll try to stay more consistently around 5:20 miles.

On 2/16 I'm running the Colonial Half Marathon in Williamsburg. In 2017 I ran it in 71:35, also in perfect conditions. Based on how the 15k goes I'll be shooting for under 71 or 70 minutes.

If you compare Fall 2016 and Fall 2018, I did fairly similar training and ran comparable end of season times: 2016- 20:31 4 mile vs 2018 25:40 8k. I'm just finishing up 7 weeks of high mileage running that I based off the running I did in winter 2016/17. Overall I did MORE volume this time and felt equally good.

The big surprise of early 2017 was how well I was able to race off this training and so my hope is that I'll be able to get similar results this time and also be a little savvier and not surprised as much by the times which I think initially freaked me out and caused me to do not smart things in races.

Then the big goal of course is the 10 miler. I ran the course today and practiced doing some 10 minute sections at a faster pace. It's definitely a challenging course so I'm going to make knowing it well one of my advantages.

Saturday, January 5, 2019


Prolicking along quite glandually, Midder Tibbers went to the store to pork up some shozehossen. By my take a surprise, the entire store front was kerflatzed by a transtepital grusty floosh of wind. Oh my roses, there were shoes, shows, shosses, and flosses every which way and in between.

Midder Tibbers is gasp-making man! He will never find a popper prair of shurzashazzams in this flimmity flam. The owner, Kronst Beside Lightly, was buried under a gerble of merbles and some shmerble-flerble. Beside Lightly said this is terble for sherble!

To wake watters murse, Kronst Beside Lightly was behind on his payments! He'd have to close down shop and take up a life of crime like every other citizen who didn't own a shoe store.

But then Kronst Beside Lightly had a great idea. He said,  "Tibbers, I'll give you any shoes you want for free if you help me commit insurance fraud."

And so Midder Tibbers and the shoe guy dumped all of his inventory in the harbor and blamed it on a natural disaster and Kronst received a handsome payment from his insurance company and ditched town the next day.

The End.

Friday, January 4, 2019

Preliminary Framing

For the Stick Super Structure

Thursday, January 3, 2019

Work Today

The kids were in relatively high spirits today. I think they were excited to see their friends and I can definitely see improvement in the kids who had a harder time at the start of the year.

I let the kids go down into "the woods" today by the soccer field and they pulled up some dead trees and branches. I think it's one of the coolest places for kids to play. They find cool stuff. They work together to move big sticks. You can just see their imaginations start to go crazy. They came up with plans for a fort and started collecting building materials.

One girl had a stick she called her katana and I left her bring it inside and we shaved off the bark with scissors and then she water colored it with a friend and wrapped some yarn around the end for a grip.

Most of the boys played football outside and then played on their laptops inside.

I also have some helpers that I get to do cleaning and tidying tasks in exchange for starbursts. One of them said "let's pay,  get andy to give us starbursts"

At the end of the day we went to the gym and i played some basketball and helped kids set up their mat forts they build and get things out of the gym closets. At the end of the day these 6 kids had made this sprawling labyrinth of mats and they got a 1st grader to go through it, haunted house style.

Really good day. I have great kids and work at a great school.

Wednesday, January 2, 2019

bird hunting

tonight I got dinner with my roommates and as we were driving back I asked "how do those electric scooters get charged?"

That lead to reading an article from the Atlantic, some scheming, and then my roommate signed up to become a scooter charger bounty hunter

which, in case you were still wondering, is how the scooters get charged.

So, in the near future, i think he and I, using my truck, are gonna try our hand at collecting scooters ans charging them here at camp.

Could be fun! Could be terrible. We'll see!

Tuesday, January 1, 2019


you're interesting to the extent that you're interested.

I'm interested in low blood sugar. Low blood sugar that dominates the morning mood and makes the day seem insurmountable.

It makes my hands and nose cold and feet sweaty. Low blood makes me grumpy and irritable and reactive. So you learn to monitor. And keep a voice hovering near that speaks up when something seems amiss- chemically and in perceptions.

Geez louise, napoleon. Make yourself a dang quesadilla.

Me at the Start of This Year