Sunday, December 30, 2018

Explain 4

Today Erin got to choose the explain topic.

She chose: the worm band-aid

Everyone knows that one part of the worm that doesn't look like the rest of the worm. It's like, worms are very uniform in appearance, except for that one part that looks like someone put a band-aid around the worm.

What is that part? What is it's function?

I think it's like proto-shoulders. Or maybe that's where the worms vital organs are so it has some extra protection there and things attach to it. Like our ribcage maybe.

I don't think worms are as bendy at that part. So maybe it's like a fulcrum. It's where their worm muscles attach.

Maybe it's like a belly button. Some remnant from a previous worm stage. What are worm babies?

This only raises more questions!!


Cassiar Memekio said...

Haha oh yeah I was always really interested in what that was, I have no idea what it is

Cassiar Memekio said...

Maybe there are symbols written there in worm language declaring their allegiance for certain things or proclaiming what they identify with, like love of water polo, support for Brexit, or that they belong to the Tripoli tribe of worms