Monday, December 3, 2018


I'm not going to want to get up tomorrow. I can feel it. I'll be too tired. Oh well.

I worked on being more gentle and patient today at after school. I think it helped. I don't know. I feel better at the end of the day if I didn't come down hard and the group was still successful.

I like to think I have good relationships with all the kids. When I first worked at after school my goal was to be competent and feel like I was good at my job. That's still my natural inclination and motivation but since working at the boarding school I think relationships are equally if not slightly more important. I want to be an adult who sees the good in kids and encourages them to have fun and cares about how they're doing. Or something like that.

At some point before I go in tomorrow I need to write a story about how they all band together to find the Christmas Dragon.

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